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Music Devices History

Music devices are a great way to express entertainment, aside from, television, computer and phone. The evolution of electronic personal music media extends back to the development of the phonograph in the mid 1800's and is still metamorphosing into the 21st century.

History Of Musical Instruments:

The first automatic instrument was known to be the, Greek Aeolian harp. This instrument had strings passing over two bridges. The instrument was placed in a window where air current would pass, the strings then activated by wind currents.

The wind currents then helped to realize that, rather than the strings becoming different lengths, the strings remained the same length and remained at the same pitch. Using different string thicknesses however, was known to help create different sound pitches.

Soggetto cavato, Later an invention known as the "soggetto cavato" helped to map out letters of the alphabet into pitches, developed by the different thicknesses of string withheld.

Then within a year of 1834, a scientist known as, Charles Babbage, build the layout of a large mechanical computer, or better yet, music device.

The phonograph was the first device for recording and replaying sound.

A gramophone record (also phonograph record or simply record) is an analogue sound recording medium consisting of a flat disc with an inscribed modulated spiral groove starting near the periphery and ending near the center of the disc.

Gramophone records were the primary medium used for commercial music reproduction for most of the 20th century.

Later in the 1900s, Thaddeus Cahill invented what is known as the "dynamo phone" a machine that produced music by an alternating currents running. This was the first music device invented.

The music device however, weighed over 200 tons and was designed to transmit sound over telephone wires. Generators were then produced to pure tones of various frequencies and intensity, "volume"

The Compact Cassette, often referred to as audio cassette, cassette tape, cassette, or simply tape, is a magnetic tape sound recording format.

Although it was originally intended as a medium for dictation, improvements in fidelity led the Compact Cassette to supplant reel-to-reel tape recording in most non-professional applications.

A Compact Disc or CD is an optical disc used to store digital data, originally developed for storing digital audio. The CD, available on the market in late 1982, remains the standard physical medium for commercial audio recordings as of 2007. An audio CD consists of one or more stereo tracks stored using 16-bit PCM coding

Once dealing with the process of making sound, flow within a music device, different layouts were then created to help make the music device more pleasantly viewed and used.

As time passed by we noticed that it started with a cassette player, then moved on to a CD-player, then to an MP3 player, then transferring this to a most commonly known device today, the iPod, and now even taking part in cell phones.

Music devices have drastically improved, and should make a lot more improvements as time goes by.

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