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Music History 1930s

The uncontrollable forces have led to a loss of 134 million in the last 5 years in the music industry in the United States. When the world heard this news in 1932 they were not surprised and it was not something new for the whole world was caught in the grip of Great Depression of 1929.

With US marking an all time low of 6 million the 1930 music history began in the dark shadow of the Great Depression which had caused rampant unemployment and huge losses.

The History of Native Americans states that the popular music from 1930s was a means to understand the situation of America in the background of the aftermath of the great depression in order to seek measures to revive human life.

Popular music means that music from a particular time frame that attained popularity with the audience. The popular songs of the 30s were released in the form of phonograph records and contained the reflections of how people imagined themselves to be during the thirties.

When change became the necessity of the hour 1930 music faced an upturn when record sales slowly started to increase. The motion pictures enjoyed the privilege of being the best source of entertainment in the 1930.

While the radio also continued its journey by reaching out to masses bringing out to them the latest and their favourite Hollywood musicals. Americans by the time was ready to establish their union with the juke boxes.

The music industry witnessed growth in recorded music when in 1934, fifty thousand metres of magnetic tape was manufactured for experiments which were to be conducted on a large scale.

In 1935 The Magneto photon tape recorder was demonstrated before the public at Berlin and in the following year it was used to record Mozart's symphony which still exists in good quality.

A large number of experiments were still being conducted during the thirties styles which included the problems of multi track optical and magnetic recording.

With the help of the radio country music began to spread in the 1930s. For an economy which was underprivileged the free and entertaining radio introduced the radio show. The idea came in as there was a large range of singing stars and aspirants in the field of country music.

Each singer was given a nick name related to their eminence in the country music. These innovations were whole heartedly welcomed by the audience and country music soon achieved mainstream success.

The Jazz music background was transformed by mid thirties after the continuous and struggled efforts of the musicians in the first half of the thirties. Swing evolved as the basic rhythm of jazz which meant synchronizing with the people and loving it.

Swing dancing became the everyday fashion of America and the big bands played the swing style. Gradually the decade of 1930 turned out to the era of swing music and big band music which helped in the popularity of jazz to transcend boundaries.

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